Contemplative Retreat

Creating sabbath space in one's life is critical to mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. This can be found in group or individual settings. It can be rooted in scripture, poetry, nature, or contemplative practices. However one shapes this space, it is integral to their "whole person - whole life" experience of the Sacred.

As a Pastor and certified Spiritual Director, Taryn Montgomery is available for leading group retreats or offering Spiritual Direction sessions within retreat settings. Contact her for more information.

In addition, her family offers a quiet lakeside cottage for writing, contemplation, and personal retreat. Please find more information below.

Sabbath Retreat

Stuga Wald

Our family's small quaint lake cabin in the Northwoods of Wisconsin. A great space for rest and relaxation. A couple's getaway. A writer's retreat. A sacred space of Sabbath.

Stuga - pronounced Stu-ga, Swedish for "cabin" or "cottage"

Wald - pronounced Vald, German for "woods"

Named for our grandmothers, appropriately.